Final Fantasy XIV Guides - Gamer Empire Everything Gaming Fri, 05 Jan 2024 09:16:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Final Fantasy XIV Guides - Gamer Empire 32 32 FFXIV – Submarine Guide: How to Unlock Submarines Fri, 05 Jan 2024 09:13:17 +0000 The submarine is a subaquatic voyage item in FFXIV. It is a Free Company-owned vehicle that you can send on voyages.

These voyages bring you back rare items for your Free Company. But before you can send the sub, you need to unlock it.

Recommended Read: How to Get and Extract Materia in Final Fantasy XIV

To unlock the submarine in FFXIV, go to your Free Company Workshop, obtain the recipe from the Schematic Board, and finally, build the parts and assemble them.

Table of Contents

How to Unlock Submarines In Final Fantasy XIV

To unlock the submarine in FFXIV, go to the Company Workshop and interact with the Schematic Board. From there, you can craft the recipe and send your sub on voyages.


  • Free Company – you must be in one.
  • Permissions – your FC leader must allow you to.
  • House – your FC must have a house (and Workshop).

Recipe for Submarines

To obtain the required recipe, go to the schematic board in the Company Workshop. Pick a prototype to find out which parts you need.

Crafting a Submarine

After gathering the required items, pick a recipe from the Fabrication Station, which will then be added to the crafting log.

You need a Hull, Stern, Bow, and Bridge. You must craft each of these separately in three phases. The basic process is this, all done in the Company Workshop:

  • Get a Schematic (which adds to the crafting log)
  • Make a prototype
  • Make the part – in three phases (each with unique materials)
  • Repeat for each part
  • Assemble
  • Begin voyage via Voyage Control Panel

How to Use Submarines

To use a submarine in FFXIV, you must assemble and deploy it in the Company Workshop. The materials you use to craft the submarine affect how good the sub is and what it will bring back.


Once you craft the submarine, you can deploy it via the Voyage Control Panel. Once it gets back, it will have items for you as well as experience, which it uses to level up.

The higher the rank, the better components you can attach to it and the better voyages it can go on. So, the better the sub, the longer voyages and better rewards you get.


After each voyage, your submarine will have “taken damage.” So, you need to repair with Magitek Repair Materials. You can craft these with any class, but they must be level 50, and you must have the Master I book.


To register your submarine, head to the voyage control panel in the Company Workshop. Registered submersibles can explore uncharted waters.

These explorations are automatic, much like explorations for retainers, as they are set on a fixed time. Once complete, you get the log details and rewards.


There are many items that your voyage can procure. The items you bring back depend on the area you choose to go to and the level of that area.

Now you know how to use a submarine in Final Fantasy XIV!

Do you prefer the airship or the submarine? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – How to Get and Extract Materia Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:34:37 +0000 Materia is an enchantment in FFXIV that allows you to increase the stats of gear pieces. This is very useful later on when you max out the level.

To gain the ability to meld this materia, you first have to learn how to extract it from your items. You must complete a certain quest to learn this.

Recommended Read: Final Fantasy XIV – Desynthesis Guide

You can get materia in FFXIV by buying it from the marketboard or extracting it from spiritbond gear.

To extract materia in FFXIV, complete the quest Forging the Spirit, spiritbond your item, then right-click and choose extract materia.

Table of Contents

How to Get Materia in Final Fantasy XIV

Materia is a common item in FFXIV with ten tiers from I to X. To get materia, you can craft it, extract it, or purchase it from the proper vendor.


The marketboard has all materia available, but it’s the most expensive way to get it. That said, it’s the quickest, so if you need materia right away, it’s your best bet.


Your retainer can bring you materia from regular quick ventures or from Field Explorations. They can bring you any materia, even for crafters/gatherers.


There are vendors all over the map that sell materia. You can’t buy the materia with gil, but you can buy them with tomestones, scrips, and other currency.

However, unless you have extra currency, it’s not the best route to take because there are other items that are better to buy.


You can get a lot of materia in FFXIV just from completing quests. Many side quests, whether blue or gold, give you materia.

Gatherer/Crafter Materia

The primary way to get materia for gatherer and crafter tools is with Scrips. Lower tier materia is purchased with White Scrips while higher is purchased with Purple Scrips.

Do this at the Scrip Exchange. Alternatively, you can buy Cracked Anthocrystal from Khloe, but this is not recommended as there are better purchases.


You can’t “craft” materia in FFXIV. Instead, you can create it by using your weapons. To do so, use your weapon until you get the notification that it is 100% spiritbond.

When this happens, you can then extract the materia. Before you can extract it, complete the quest Forging the Spirit in Central Thanalan.

Extracting Materia

Extracting materia is the original way to get materia in FFXIV. To do so, you must complete the appropriate quest and learn to extract materia from gear.

How to Extract Materia

To extract materia in FFXIV, unlock it by completing the materia quest. Once you do, right-click on the item and click “Extract Materia”.

Forging the Spirit

Forging the Spirit is a level 19 quest in Central Thanalan that teaches you Materia Extraction.

Once you complete it, you can extract materia from spiritbond gear. The next quest in the questline teaches you Materia Melding, which allows you to meld materia into gear.

Items To Help Speed Up Spiritbond

  • Better Crowned Pie – Increased Spiritbond Gain +2
  • Spiritbond Potion – Increased Spiritbond Gain +3
  • Potent Spiritbond Potion – Increased Spiritbond Gain +4 / HQ +5
  • Superior Spiritbond Potion – Increased Spiritbond Gain +5 / HQ +6
  • Squadron Spiritbonding Manual – Increases spiritbonding speed with Spiritbond Bonus: +3

Along with these consumables, there are jewelry pieces that increase spiritbond gain. These items speed up the process of spiritbonding an item but do nothing to help you extract materia.

The Extraction Process

Once an item reaches 100% spiritbond, it creates a materia for you to extract. The materia level depends on item level.

Once you extract the materia, the spiritbond goes back to 1%, and you can do it again. There is no chance of destroying materia you extract from spiritbond items.

Extract Materia Vs. Retrieve Materia

Extracting materia and retrieving materia are two different things.

Retrieving materia is only for materia you melded into a gear piece.

Extracting materia is only for materia that you created through spiritbond.

You do both the same way. By right-clicking the item.

Now you know how to get and extract materia in Final Fantasy XIV!

Do you sell your materia or store it? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – Desynthesis Guide: How to Desynth Items Thu, 04 Jan 2024 12:01:17 +0000 FFXIV is full of unique ways to improve, such as desynthesizing, which has its own leveling system.

The system allows you to break down items to acquire new materials and works alongside crafting classes.

Recommended Read: Where Can You Buy Gear in FFXIV?

To desynth in FFXIV, right-click an item and choose desynthesis. You must first unlock the action by completing a level 30 quest.

Table of Contents

What Is Desynthesis in Final Fantasy XIV?

Desynthesis is an action in FFXIV. It is a way to deconstruct items and turn them into materials. It is a way to get rid of old items while leveling an action.

Desynthesizing in FFXIV is a good way to get rare materials, which you can sell or use to craft even rarer items.

Where to Unlock Desynthesis

To unlock Desynthesis, reach level 30 with a crafter in FFXIV. Then head to Ul’dah and find the quest Gone to Pieces.

The quest walks you through your first desynthesis, but before you can see it, you must complete the MSQ Life, Materia, and Everything.

Unlike other quests, there is no questline for this. You just do the one quest to unlock the action because there is no upgrade or alternative.

How to Desynth Items in Final Fantasy XIV

To desynth an item in FFXIV, right-click and see if there is an option to do so, as not all items are desynthesizable.

Once you find “Desynthesis,” a menu will pop up and allow you to carry on or cancel once you see your chance of success.

You can also see which class will desynth the item and which will level up once you successfully desynth it.

If you fail the resynthesis, you will lose the item. If you succeed, you will also lose the item but gain materials.

That’s why you should start out by practicing and leveling with “useless” items that you don’t want.

How It Works

Each crafting class has its own desynth level in FFXIV. You must level each separately to improve the skill.

Once you reach level 30, you are level 1 desynth with that crafting class. From there, you can only level it by desynthing items with it.

You don’t have to be that class to desynthesize with it because the item is what controls which class levels when you desynthesize.

How to Boost Desynthesis

  • Bacon Broth- Desynthesis Skill Gain +10 / HQ +20
  • Tinkers Calm -Desynthesis Skill Gain +30 / HQ +40

Eating these foods will make you better at desynthesis and improve your chances of success for 30 minutes. It’s a good idea to eat them right before you start.

Now you know how to desynth in Final Fantasy XIV and why you should do it!

What is your rarest desynth find? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – Where Can You Buy Gear? Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:27:36 +0000 Gear in FFXIV consists of your armor and weapons. It’s important to upgrade these very five to ten levels early on.

After about level 70-80, it’s best to upgrade them even sooner. Because there are so many classes and types of armor, it’s difficult to find where to get upgraded gear.

Recommended Read: How to Start Heavensward in FFXIV

You can buy gear in FFXIV from the marketboard, with Tomestomes, or an array of other methods. The best options are Tomestones, high-end raids, and the Scrip Exchange for crafters/gatherers.

Table of Contents

Where Can You Buy Gear in Final Fantasy XIV?

You can buy gear with many different currencies in FFXIV. The best value gear is purchased with Allagan Tomestones.

Never let these cap because they are the most versatile currency in the game. If you are out, then check out these other methods to get gear in FFXIV.

Job Quest

The best, cheapest place to get gear before level 50 is your job quest. The gear isn’t great once you’re level 80 or so, but as long as there are job quests, then do them.


MSQ gives decent gear that gives you good enough item levels to enter the story duties. The story gives you coffers you can open for the class that you are in when you open it.


The hunts from each expansion grant you currency that you can use to buy unique items. Much of that list of items is gear.

The Hunt Billmaster at your Grand Company offers gear in exchange for Allied Seals. Xylle in the Crystaium offers decent level 80 gear for Sacks of Nuts.


Some of the best gear from levels 50-90 is from Allagan Tomestones. The Allagan Tomestone of Poetics is the best way to get gear from 50 to 80.

Talk to  Auriana in Mor Dhona if you’re level 50,  Hismena in Idyllshire if you’re level 60, and  Enna in Rhalgr’s Reach if you’re level 70.

Level 80 players can talk to Aymark in Eulmore. Finally, level 90 players should collect Allagan Tomestones of Causality and then talk to Cihanti in Radz-at-Han.

This gear can be upgraded by speaking to another NPC at the same location.


Trials are a good way to get unique weapons that look amazing. Collect the totems (sometimes named differently) and exchange them for weapons at certain vendors.

You can also have a chance to get the weapon by playing and rolling after the trial is complete.

Some trials drop materials you can use to craft a better version of the weapons that have special visual effects.


Dungeon gear will never be the best, but before level 50, it’s a passive way to keep your low levels protected.

All you have to do is play through the dungeons and roll for gear. Make sure to pay attention to the class that can wear the gear.


Raids have very unique and highly coveted gear. The basic raid gear does not have the best stats, but Savage and Ultimate raids do.

Even Alliance Raids have a chance to drop decent gear. But your best pet is Savage Raids, which also drop unique currencies you can exchange for what is usually the best gear in the game.

Crafting And Marketboard

There are multiple sets of armor you can craft – usually one of the higher-tier sets. You can easily rely on the marketboard if you have the gil.
For example, the level 90 Diadochos Armor will allow you to enter all content except the highest tier Savage duties.

Scrip Exchange

Scrip Exchange is the best way to gear your crafters and gatherers. You can earn scrips by doing collectibles with these classes.


PvP gear is the rarest gear in the game because of the lack of players in PvP. You can buy some gear by earning basic Wolf Marks.

But other gear is only given to those that reach certain ranks in PvP each season. These ranks grant you Trophy Crystals to buy this rare gear.

Is Buying Gear From Vendors Worth It?

Yes, basic vendor gear is worth it for the first 50 levels. Other “vendor” gear is only worth it once you can use other currency – not gil – to purchase it.

There aren’t many options to buy gear with gil other than the marketboard. So make sure you save your currencies for what you really need.

Now you know where to buy gear in Final Fantasy XIV!

What’s your favorite gearset in the game? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – How to Start Heavensward Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:23:38 +0000 Heavensward is the first expansion after A Realm Reborn in FFXIV. It was a huge deal when it came out in 2015.

Along with Heavensward came deep dungeons, a new region, and classes of Dark Knight, Machinist, and Astrologian. But many people struggled – and still do – with starting Heavensward.

Recommended Read: When Do You Get Your First Mount in FFXIV?

To start Heavensward in FFXIV, talk to the guard in Coerthas Central Highlands, who will send you to NPCs you know to take you to Ishgard.

Table of Contents

How to Start Heavensward in Final Fantasy XIV

To start Heavensward in FFXIV, buy the expansion, then continue along the MSQ.

You also need to be at a certain level and complete a long series of unexpected quests.

Level 50

First things first, you must be level 50 with a Disciple of War or Magic to start Heavensward. But that alone is not enough.

Complete ARR

This one is a given, but it’s necessary to complete A Realm Reborn before even accessing Heavenward.

The last A Realm Reborn (non-post) quest is The Ultimate Weapon. Complete this quest, which includes a boss fight, to continue.

Complete Post-ARR

The Post-ARR questline is another cause of confusion because after you complete A Realm Reborn, you still have about 80 quests before you can unlock Heavensward.

The first post-ARR quest is The Price of Principles in The Waking Sands. This is where you should return to many times during these quests.

You know you are done when you complete Before the Dawn. Completing this quest unlocks Heavensward and a lot of new blue quests.

The First Quest

The first Heavensward quest is called Coming to Isghard. It’s a bit difficult to find, hence the confusion.

To get to the quest, you have to reach the intercessory, a small room that houses the Heavensward quest.

Talk to the House Fortemps guard in Coerthas Central Highlands, who gives you access to the intercessory.

How Long is Heavensward?

The average time it takes to complete the MSQ of Heavensward is around 65 hours. If you want to do the extra content, expect to spend at least 100 hours.

Completionists take over 300 hours to complete Heavensweard alone, which includes doing all dungeons and getting all achievements.

Of course, every player is different, but the voiced cutscenes alone for Heavensward are five hours, which doesn’t include the interactive or unvoiced cutscenes.

How Do You Buy Heavensward?

Heavensward is now included in the Starter Edition of FFXIV. This includes Stormblood as well, the expansion after Heavensward.

To play anything after that, you must upgrade your edition. The FFXIV product page gives more info and helps you choose a package.

Now you know how to start Heavensward in Final Fantasy XIV!

What do you look forward to most in Heavensward? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – When Do You Get Your First Mount? Thu, 28 Dec 2023 09:27:38 +0000 Mounts are an amazing way to speed up your travel time in FFXIV. Once you can fly in FFXIV, things go even faster.

But before you can unlock your favorite mount, you have to unlock the ability to use mounts.

Recommended Read: How to Check Your Ping in Final Fantasy XIV

You can get your first mount in FFXIV when you reach level 20. To unlock your first mount in the game, you need to reach level 20, complete The Company You Keep quest, join a GC, and then do the My Little Chocobo quest.

Table of Contents

When Do You Get A Mount In Final Fantasy XIV? 

You get a mount during a FFXIV side quest you’re led to by the main story quest. Before you can get a mount, you have to go through the steps to reach that quest.

Reach Level 20

You must be level 20 to get a mount in FFXIV. If you’re having trouble leveling up, consider doing leves, dailies, and catching up with your class quest.

Always ensure you are caught up on your main story quest first, and then check out other leveling methods.

Accept The Company You Keep

There is an MSQ called The Company You Keep. It’s a level 20 quest that is part of your main story.

Once you are introduced to the Grandy Companies of Eorzea, you know you’re close. During this quest, you have to choose which Grand Company to join.

Your choice does not matter and can be changed later. So it’s okay if you’re unsure; just read their descriptions and choose your favorite.

Grand Company Quest

  • Wood’s Will Be Done
  • Till Sea Swallows All
  • For Coin and Country.

Next, you’ll have to do your first Grand Company quest. The above names are the quest names depending on your GC.

So you only have to do one of them, and they are super easy. Once you complete the quest, you’re officially part of that Grand Company.

Make sure you keep the Company Seals you get from this quest. You need them to get a mount.

My Little Chocobo

The quest that unlocks your first mount is called My Little Chocobo. Once you join a Grand Company, it unlocks and can be tracked by clicking on the quest in the top left of the screen.

Purchase Chocobo Issuance

Once you start the quest, you’ll have to visit the Grand Company Quartermaster to buy the X Chocobo Issuance (X is the company title, ex. Storm). 

If you spend your seals, you can get more by doing hunts. But hopefully, you still have the seals you got from your quest.


Once you get the issuance, you have to give it to the Chocobokeep near your Grand Company. He is marked by a Chocobo on the map.

Talk to the Chocobokeep, and he’ll let you name your Chocobo and give you a whistle. You have to talk to him three times to do everything you need to.

Use Whistle

To summon your Chocobo to ride for the first time, you must use the Whistle. Open your inventory and find the Chocobo-shaped whistle.

Use it by right-clicking and clicking “Use.” Then, you will summon the Chocobo, which auto-mounts.

Summon Again

To summon it again or dismount it for the first time, go to Mount Guide. It’s a good idea to put your Chocobo on your hot bar for easy summoning.

Note that a Chocobo mount is not the same as a Chocobo companion. To get your Chocobo to fight with you (companion), you must do the next Chocobo quest.

Can You Use Mounts Without Getting a Chocobo?

No. The Chocobo quest unlocks the ability to use mounts.

So even if you unlock mounts or buy them beforehand, you can’t use them until you finish the Chocobo quest.

Now you know how to get a mount in Final Fantasy XIV!

Did you ever use the Chocobo rental system before you got a mount? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – How to Check Your Ping Wed, 20 Dec 2023 09:25:42 +0000 High ping is every gamer’s nightmare, and FFXIV is no exception. Ping creates lag, which creates delays, which causes game losses.

The last thing any FFXIV player wants is to lose due to lag, especially if it gets you reported due to disconnects.

Recommended Read: How to Change Your Name in Final Fantasy XIV

To check your ping in FFXIV, open ARR Status to find your server’s IP Address, then go to Comand Prompt on your PC and type ping [ip address].

Table of Contents

How to Check Ping in Final Fantasy XIV

To check ping in FFXIV, open a site called ARR Status. This is how you will find the IP address necessary to check your ping.

Via ARRstatus

Go to ARR Status and find your server. The Data Center matters more because the servers share an IP address. 

You can use the top navigation to unhighlight everything except your region and Data Center. That filters the results, making it easier to find yours.

Then, open Command Prompt on your PC, which you can do by searching it in your Windows search bar. 

Type “ping [ip address]” using the IP you found via ARR Status. Press enter, and you will be given a number – that number is your ping for FFXIV.

Third-Party Ping Overlay

Because third-party apps are technically against ToS, there won’t be any links to specific options.

There are, however, multiple choices that you can download at your own risk that let you see your ping at all times.

Ping Vs. FPS

You may be surprised at how many FFXIV players don’t know the difference between FPS and Ping – but it’s okay if you don’t.

Ping is a basic internet test that lets you know your internet speed at any given time. This is what causes lag or a delay in processes.

FPS stands for frames per second (also a first-person shooter) and has nothing to do with the internet and everything to do with your PC.

If your FPS is high, that’s good. If your Ping is high, that’s bad. To improve your FPS, you need to improve your PC, not your internet.

How to Lower Ping

  • Change Settings – lowering graphics is an easy way to improve performance by requiring less out of your PC and your internet.
  • Close Everything – even if it’s not doing anything, close anything that isn’t being used because it may be requiring internet.
  • Third-Party – there are apps like Leatrix Latency that improve your performance by optimizing your PC.
  • Change Servers – loaded servers, especially those not near your home country, may have a high ping for you.
  • Change Locations In-Game – areas like Limsa require a lot of your PC and your internet. Improve your ping and FPS by only using these crowded areas when necessary.
  • Use An Ethernet Cable – an ethernet cable is the fastest way to improve your internet and ping.
  • Upgrade Your Internet – call your ISP if your ping isn’t improving. An upgrade may be the only thing that can lower your ping in FFXIV.

Now you know how to check ping in Final Fantasy XIV!

What is your ping setting at, and does it ever get high? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – How to Change Name Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:04:29 +0000 Names are part of your identity in FFXIV. Each character you make means something to you, which is why their names are important.

You may want a Lalafel with a strong name, yet you just used a Fantasia to switch to a Lala and thus want to change its name.

Recommended Read: How to Install Mods in Final Fantasy XIV

To change your name in FFXIV, purchase a name change via MogStation. It costs around $10 and has unlimited purchases.

Table of Contents

How to Change Name in Final Fantasy XIV

To change your name in FFXIV, purchase a name change from the store. You can change your name as many times as you want, but you must pay a separate fee each time.

Go To MogStation

The MogStation or FFXIV Store is where you get a character name change. Make sure that you select the proper account when logging in.

Character Renaming Service

On the home screen of the FFXIV store, there’s a section called Games and Additional Services, which is near the bottom of the options.

Under that section is an option called Character Renaming Service. It usually has a picture of a Moogle.

Change Name in FFXIV

Once here, you can apply to change your character name. There are on-screen instructions to walk you through the process.

There should be a field to fill out to confirm the name you want to change your character to. Fill this out and check it three times to ensure accuracy.

It is not a free service, so note the cost on the screen, as it may change, though it’s usually around $10. Once you confirm the cost, you will get an email to let you know the change went through.

Log in to make sure it worked. If it didn’t, there may be a delay, so wait a few hours before contacting customer service.

If you want to change your name again, you have to pay the fee again, so choose your name wisely.

Is There a Free Name Change?

No. There is no way to change your character’s name for free in FFXIV. Some MMOs allow one free change, but not FFXIV.

If you’ve only had a character for a few days, then make a new one and use a different name.

But for long-term characters, it’s best to just pay for the change if you know you want to commit to one new name.

Character Name Vs. Account Name

Your account name is different than your character name in FFXIV. However, you still cannot change it.

Your FFXIV account name is the same as your Square Enix account name, and it’s important to the company that all users are verified, which is something they only allow you to do twice on special occasions.

If you feel that yours qualifies, feel free to fill out this form to submit your request.

Now you know how to change your name in Final Fantasy XIV.

What’s your reason for the name change? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – How to Install Mods Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:24:43 +0000 Mods are meant to improve games like FFXIV. You can change the look of your character, learn to sit on a ledge, or do something more drastic.

The way you use mods is up to you, as long as they aren’t making anyone else’s game less enjoyable.

Recommended Read: Best Class to Play for New Players in FFXIV

To install mods in Final Fantasy XIV, download TexTools and then find mods at either Nexus Mods or XIV Mod Archive that you want to install.

Table of Contents

Before We Begin – Use Mods At Your Own Risk

The use of any mods is against the Terms of Service in FFXIV. Take this with a grain of salt, but it is important to know.

According to the ToS, “the use of third-party tools is strictly prohibited. Players who are determined to be using third-party tools will have their accounts suspended, or permanently banned for repeat offenses”.

As long as you don’t use any competitive mods, chances are, developers don’t really care, and you won’t get banned.

How to Install Mods in Final Fantasy XIV

To install mods in FFXIV, you have to download the third-party mod installer and processor. After you do that and learn to install the first mod, it’s easy.

TexTools Installation

To install mods in FFXIV, you need TexTools. This is the only “reputable” way to get mods in FFXIV.

Though there may be other options, this is the way to go. Download and install TexTools through their site to begin.

Find Subfolder

Once you install TexTools, launch it and then find this folder – /FINAL FANTASY XIV – A Realm Reborn/game/sqpack/ffxiv.

This is where you will navigate to once prompted by TexTools. You don’t need to place anything here. Just choose it when TexTools as you choose a destination for mods.

Find Mods

TexTools doesn’t come with mods. It’s simply a mod installer. So you do have to find mods one by one or by installing mod packs.

Where to Find Mods

It’s best to stick with the above for quality, availability, and safety reasons. Anywhere else poses a risk, but these two are the safest way to get mods in FFXIV.

Unzip That Folder

Unzipping folders is never easy. But you do need to unzip mod folders before TexTools can process them.

Once you do this, open TexTools again and follow the steps to install mods to FFXIV.

Import Mods

Once you open TexTools, click on Mods, then “Import ModPacks”, and find the mods you downloaded.

You can disable them later if you want to, but from there, it’s pretty straightforward. Hop in the game to test them out!

Now you know how to install mods in Final Fantasy XIV!

What mod inspired you to download TexTools? Let me know in the comments!

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FFXIV – What Is the Best Class to Play for New Players Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:22:31 +0000 The best class to play in FFXIV is the one that draws you in. After all, that’s what will get you most excited and, in turn, stick to the game.

But there are still a few beginner-friendly options that most new players find the easiest to get started with.

Recommended Read: Final Fantasy XIV – Gardening Guide

The best class for beginners to play in FFXIV is Archer, Pugilist, or Gladiator. They are simple yet still well-rounded.

Table of Contents

What Is the Best Class to Play for New Players in FFXIV?

Though all classes start out slow in FFXIV, it’s best to stick with a simpler job. This allows you to focus on learning the game rather than a complex class.

One thing important to note is that most classes in FFXIV start out as jobs. These jobs then turn into “classes” at level 30.

The classes get new abilities and a Soul Stone. To transform into the new class, you must equip the Soul Stone.

There are four types of classes in FFXIV. Each has a unique role except for Ranged DPS and Melee DPS, which share a matchmaking role.

For example, to enter a synched dungeon in FFXIV, you must have two DPS, a healer, and a tank. That’s why the class you choose matters.

Best Ranged DPS for Beginners

Ranged DPS have a specific job to do, which is doing as much damage as possible without getting hurt. Most Ranged DPS also have utility abilities to support their teammates.

The best Ranged DPS for new players is the Archer. It is a point-and-click class with supportive abilities.

The Archer turns into a Bard, a familiar class in MMOs and tabletops. Almost all of the Archer and Bard’s abilities are instant, making it difficult to interrupt them.

A secondary option for Ranged DPS is Dancer. Though more difficult than Archer, it’s a solid choice as Ranged DPS, in general, are good for beginners because they take less aggro.

Best Melee DPS for Beginners

Melee DPS does the most damage in the game. The risk is that they are squishy classes that have to be on the front lines of battle.

Because of this, they must focus on positioning and staying within range of the healer. Aside from that, they’re still a simple concept.

Pugilist is an extremely simple class that turns into Monk. There is a learning curve when it comes to changing forms, but it’s easy to pick up on as you go.

A secondary option for Melee DPS is Lancer, which turns into Dragoon. The only thing you need to watch out for with Dragoon is the dash that may send you off of certain edges.

Best Tank for Beginners

Tanks have possibly the hardest job in FFXIV. They are the leaders of the group, even if the player is new.

So your group will automatically follow you into battle, counting on you to position the enemy who should always attack you.

Warrior, which begins as Marauder, is easily the easiest tank class in FFXIV. You still must learn how to be a tank, but Marauder is a good starting place.

A secondary option for Tank DPS is Gladiator-Paladin. Though some struggle with Paladin due to the rotations, it’s still easier than Gunbreaker. Learning tank basics helps immensely.

Best Healer for Beginners

Healer is the second most difficult class type in FFXIV. It’s your job to keep everyone, especially the tank, alive.

If the tank dies, chances are, others will, too, because the enemy will start attacking squishies. So your priority should be the tank and other healer if present.

Conjurer, or White Mage, is the easiest healer that most MMO players will be familiar with. They are the classic healer option with super simple healing abilities.

A second option for Healer is Arcanist-Scholar. Leveling Arcanist is a good idea because you can unlock two classes at once.

Scholar and Summoner (a fun DPS) level together as you level Arcanist because they share a base class.

Are Any FFXIV Classes Too Hard For Beginners?

Not necessarily. Unless you get a level skip, all classes are easy because they begin at level one.

If you do get a level skip and start at a higher level, then there are a few classes you may want to avoid.

  • Blue Mage – can’t enter most duties and must unlock abilities through a unique system
  • Gunbreaker – hardest tank
  • Ninja – requires combos, but is still playable
  • Astrologian – hardest healer
  • Summoner – easy to start, difficult to master

Now you know the best class to play for new players in FFXIV.

Have you had any luck with a class you had your eye on? Let me know in the comments!

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