Hero Wars Guides - Gamer Empire https://gamerempire.net/category/hero-wars/ Everything Gaming Fri, 24 May 2024 07:59:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://gamerempire.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/cropped-Gamerempire-logo-black-n-orange-512-150x150.png Hero Wars Guides - Gamer Empire https://gamerempire.net/category/hero-wars/ 32 32 Hero Wars – Best Teams 2024 & Team Building Guide https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-best-teams-team-building-guide/ https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-best-teams-team-building-guide/#comments Sat, 20 Mar 2021 20:19:14 +0000 https://gamerempire.net/?p=7359 The main objective for you in Hero Wars is to build the ultimate team so you can beat the toughest levels and win against the best players. With more than 65 unique heroes in the game, it can be overwhelming when it comes to building the ultimate team.

In this guide, we give you the tips you need to create an amazing team in Hero Wars, as well as examples of real top-tier teams created by players of the game.

When building your team, you want to have a balance of roles – having a mix of damage dealers, supports, and tanks.

You want to look for synergies and combos between heroes on your team to improve your team’s overall power and utility.

Lastly, you want to use powerful heroes that are sure to fill a specific role well – more details on all of these factors below, as well as examples of teams created by top players.

Table of Contents

Best Teams for Campaign and Tower

To help you get some inspiration for creating your team in Hero Wars, we’ve collected examples of real top-tier teams created by players.

If you like any of the teams you see below, you can build it yourself, and you’ll be certain you’ve got your hands on a great team.

You can also tweak any of the teams below if you like elements within any of them.

Here are the best teams to use in PvE in Hero Wars, specifically in the Campaign and in Tower.

The teams are in no specific order in terms of how good they are.

Team 1

  • Tristan
  • Fafnir
  • Julius
  • Artemis
  • Aurora

Team 2

  • Martha
  • Cornelius
  • Orion
  • K’arkh
  • Cleaver

Team 3

  • Orion
  • Martha
  • Xe’Sha
  • Dorian
  • Lillith

Team 4

  • Galahad
  • Tristan
  • Fafnir
  • Artemis
  • Dorian

Team 5

  • Martha
  • Jhu
  • Jorgen
  • Orion
  • Astaroth

Best Teams for Arena

In Hero Wars, you can fight other players in the Arena, which is the PvP system of the game.

If you’re looking to climb in the Arena ranking, then building or optimizing a team for PvP is a great idea.

Here are the best teams to use in PvP in Hero Wars, the Arena. The teams are in no specific order in terms of how good they are.

Team 1

  • Fafnir
  • Yasmine
  • Oya
  • Tristan
  • Aurora

Team 2

  • Julius
  • Oya
  • Yasmine
  • Isaac
  • Dark Star

Team 3

  • Cleaver
  • Julius
  • Judge
  • Amira
  • Isaac

Team 4

  • Dante
  • Qing Mao
  • Andvari
  • Corvus
  • Aurora

Team 5

  • Yasmine
  • Oya
  • Aurora
  • Sebastian
  • Octavia

Balance of Roles

In Hero Wars, there are a total of 7 different hero roles, with each hero in the game being one of two of these roles.

Players do, however, usually talk about three overall hero roles instead: tanks, damage dealers, and supports, with each of the seven roles belonging to one or two of the overall roles.

When creating your team, you want to keep the three overall roles in mind to balance out your team.

Failing to do so will cause your team to have too much or too little of a certain aspect, such as support or damage.

Hero Wars balance of roles

The general consensus is that a great team consists of three damage dealers, one tank, and one support.

By having this combination of roles, you ensure your team has enough damage to take out enemies while being able to survive hard-hitting skills and continuous damage by having a tank and a supportive hero to back everyone up.

Most players choose to bring a hero with the ability to heal as their support because of the significant increase in your team’s survivability.

Synergies and Combos

Another factor to consider when choosing which heroes to bring on your team is synergy.

How each hero interacts and boosts other heroes on your team can be a deciding factor in battle.

For example, if you bring a hero that boosts the magical damage of your team, you’re getting far more total damage output by bringing purely magical damage-dealing heroes and likewise with physical damage.

Furthermore, focusing entirely on magical or physical damage allows you to optimize your team’s damage output, as most heroes have some skills that help other heroes with the same type of attack as them.

Therefore, choosing either magical damage or physical damage for your team will ensure a higher level of synergy than were you mixing the two.

You should, however, still look for specific boosts and skills that suit the team you are building.

Some heroes in Hero Wars pair up exceptionally well with other heroes because of skill combos.

Certain skills in the game require some conditions to deal extra damage or apply extra effects, such as Lars and Krista with Mark of Water.

Hero Wars Lars and Krista combo and synergy

Lars deals 40% extra damage and applies 20% longer stuns to enemies with the Mark of Water, which Lars himself can apply to enemies.

Krista can do so as well and at a faster pace than Lars. Therefore, Lars is way more powerful when Krista is present on the team.

Examples of other powerful hero combos include Julius and Oya, K’arkh & Kai, and Cleaver & Peppy.

Consider bringing a strong combo on your team to increase your chance of beating powerful teams.

Heroes for Your Team

Even though many heroes in Hero Wars can be useful on a team, some heroes are simply better at filling a specific role.

Therefore, we recommend you keep the potential and power of each hero in mind when deciding who to bring on your team.

We’ve found that the following heroes do well on almost any team, so consider using these if you get your hands on them.

  • Julius
  • Jorgen
  • Oya
  • Fafnir
  • Kayla
  • Aidan
  • Artemis
Hero Wars heroes gallery

You can find more details on these and all the rest of the heroes in the game in our Hero Wars tier list.

A tier list like this one is a great tool to use for general guidance when building a team. However, it shouldn’t be the sole reason for creating a particular team.

Simply choosing five S-tier heroes and throwing them together on a team will give you a good team.

Chances are, however, that you’ll get an even better one if you keep the other factors mentioned in this guide in mind as well.

That’s our take on how to build the best team in Hero Wars, as well as examples of teams created by top players.

Using these tips and examples of teams created by top players, you are ready to improve your current team or build a new one from scratch.

If you have any other tips for building a team in Hero Wars that you believe our readers should know, then let us know in the comment section below.

https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-best-teams-team-building-guide/feed/ 23
Hero Wars – Best Heroes Tier List 2024 Mobile & PC https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-best-heroes-tier-list/ https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-best-heroes-tier-list/#comments Thu, 18 Mar 2021 18:10:46 +0000 https://gamerempire.net/?p=7175 Throughout your adventure in Hero Wars, you’ll get your hands on a wide range of unique heroes, but which ones should you bring on your team and spend resources on for the long term?

In this tier list, we help you decide by giving you an overview of each hero’s potential and strength.

Recommended Read: Hero Wars – Best Teams

Some of the very best heroes overall in Hero Wars include Kayla, Julius, Oya, Jorgen, Aidan, and Fafnir. All of these will do exceptionally well in almost every situation. Investing resources in any of these heroes is an excellent decision and will ensure your team does well throughout the campaign.

You can find more details on each champion in the complete tier list below.

Table of Contents

Hero Wars Tier List

With more than 65 unique heroes in the game and more being added continuously – all with their own skillset and playstyle, it can be overwhelming when trying to figure out which heroes to invest your resources into and bring on your team.

Therefore, we’ve created this Hero Wars tier list to give you an overview of each hero’s potential in the game overall.

Using this tier list, we believe you have a high chance of spending your resources more efficiently and thereby progressing faster through the game.

IconHeroRankFactionRoleMain statPlatform
Julius Hero Icon Hero WarsJulius


ProgressTankStrengthPC + Mobile
Oya Hero Icon Hero WarsOya


Kayla Hero Icon Hero WarsKayla


ChaosWarriorAgilityPC + Mobile
Aidan Hero Icon Hero WarsAidan


ChaosHealer, MageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Jorgen Hero Icon Hero WarsJorgen


ChaosControl, SupportStrengthPC + Mobile
Fafnir Hero Icon Hero WarsFafnir


HonorSupportUnknownPC + Mobile
Amira Hero Icon Hero WarsAmira


MysteryMage, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Artemis Hero Icon Hero WarsArtemis


HonorMarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Cleaver Hero Icon Hero WarsCleaver


ChaosTank, ControlStrengthPC + Mobile
Astaroth Hero Icon Hero WarsAstaroth


ChaosTank, SupportStrengthPC + Mobile
Cascade Hero Icon Hero WarsCascade


Iris Hero Icon Hero WarsIris


EternityMageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Yasmine Hero Icon Hero WarsYasmine


NatureWarriorAgilityPC + Mobile
Mojo Hero Icon Hero WarsMojo


NatureMage, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Isaac Hero Icon Hero WarsIsaac


ProgressSupport, ControlAgilityPC + Mobile
Nebula Hero Icon Hero WarsNebula


ProgressSupportAgilityPC + Mobile
Sebastian Hero Icon Hero WarsSebastian


ProgressSupportAgilityPC + Mobile
Xe Sha Hero Icon Hero WarsXe’Sha


ChaosMage, SupportIntelligenceMobile
Faceless Hero Icon Hero WarsFaceless


EternityMage, ControlIntelligencePC + Mobile
Tristan Hero Icon Hero WarsTristan


HonorWarriorStrengthPC + Mobile
Ginger Hero Icon Hero WarsGinger


ProgressMarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Ziri Hero Icon Hero WarsZiri


MysteryTankStrengthPC + Mobile
Judge Hero Icon Hero WarsJudge


ProgressMage, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Octavia Hero Icon Hero WarsOctavia


Aurora Hero Icon Hero WarsAurora


NatureTankStrengthPC + Mobile
Andvari Hero Icon Hero WarsAndvari


MysterySupport, ControlStrengthPC + Mobile
Keira Hero Icon Hero WarsKeira


EternityMarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Krista Hero Icon Hero WarsKrista


ChaosMageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Lars Hero Icon Hero WarsLars


ChaosMage, ControlIntelligencePC + Mobile
Chabba Hero Icon Hero WarsChabba


ProgressTank, ControlStrengthPC + Mobile
Orion Hero Icon Hero WarsOrion


ProgressMageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Alvanor Hero Icon Hero WarsAlvanor


NatureSupport, MageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Corvus Hero Icon Hero WarsCorvus


EternityTankStrengthPC + Mobile
Mushy and Shroom Hero Icon Hero WarsMushy and Shroom


NatureTankIntelligencePC + Mobile
Dante Hero Icon Hero WarsDante


EternityMarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Luther Hero Icon Hero WarsLuther


HonorTank, ControlStrengthPC + Mobile
Morrigan Hero Icon Hero WarsMorrigan


EternityHealer, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Phobos Hero Icon Hero WarsPhobos


EternityMage, ControlIntelligencePC + Mobile
Polaris Hero Icon Hero WarsPolaris


Mage, ControlIntelligencePC
Celeste Hero Icon Hero WarsCeleste


MysteryHealer, ControlIntelligencePC + Mobile
Martha Hero Icon Hero WarsMartha


MysterySupport, TankIntelligencePC + Mobile
Dorian Hero Icon Hero WarsDorian


ChaosSupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Lian Hero Icon Hero WarsLian


MysteryMage, ControlIntelligencePC + Mobile
Peppy Hero Icon Hero WarsPeppy


ChaosMage, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Rufus Hero Icon Hero WarsRufus


MysteryTank, SupportStrengthPC + Mobile
Astrid and Lucas Hero Icon Hero WarsAstrid and Lucas


ProgressWarrior, MarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Lilith Hero Icon Hero WarsLilith


ChaosTank, ControlStrengthPC + Mobile
Karkh Hero Icon Hero WarsK’arkh


EternityWarriorAgilityPC + Mobile
Satori Hero Icon Hero WarsSatori


MysteryMageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Helios Hero Icon Hero WarsHelios


HonorMage, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Maya Hero Icon Hero WarsMaya


MysteryHealer, MageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Cornelius Hero Icon Hero WarsCornelius


HonorMage, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Galahad Hero Icon Hero WarsGalahad


HonorTankStrengthPC + Mobile
Jet Hero Icon Hero WarsJet


ProgressSupport, HealerIntelligencePC + Mobile
Daredevil Hero Icon Hero WarsDaredevil


ProgressMarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Dark Star Hero Icon Hero WarsDark Star


NatureMarksman, ControlAgilityPC + Mobile
Jhu Hero Icon Hero WarsJhu


NatureMarksmanStrengthPC + Mobile
Elmir Hero Icon Hero WarsElmir


NatureWarrior, MarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Qing Mao Hero Icon Hero WarsQing Mao


HonorWarriorAgilityPC + Mobile
Markus Hero Icon Hero WarsMarkus


HonorHealer, SupportIntelligencePC + Mobile
Thea Hero Icon Hero WarsThea


NatureHealerIntelligencePC + Mobile
Heidi Hero Icon Hero WarsHeidi


MysteryMageIntelligencePC + Mobile
Fox Hero Icon Hero WarsFox


ProgressMarksmanAgilityPC + Mobile
Arachne Hero Icon Hero WarsArachne


ProgressWarrior, ControlIntelligencePC + Mobile
Ishmael Hero Icon Hero WarsIshmael


HonorWarriorAgilityPC + Mobile
Kai Hero Icon Hero WarsKai


NatureMageIntelligencePC + Mobile

The current tier list is based on the tier lists and information from Hero Wars YouTubers, Hero Wars Secrets & AsaQr, as well as the Hero Wars Subreddit.

This tier list ranks each hero from Hero Wars in either S, A, B, C, or D tier.

When choosing which heroes to bring onto your team, you should also keep other factors in mind than just a hero’s tier – learn more about this in our team building guide.

Here is a short rundown of what each tier represents.

S tier – Heroes in the S-tier are the best in the game. All these heroes will do well on any team, and are sure to help you progress through the game fast. Putting any S-tier hero on your team and spending resources on them is an excellent idea.

A tier – Heroes in the A-tier perform exceptionally well in battle. You can, with great certainty, use heroes from this tier on your team for a long time without issues. Some combinations of heroes in this tier might even outperform some S-tier heroes.

B tier – Heroes in the B-tier perform as you’d expect from an average hero. They are not exceptionally strong but are not weak, either. B-tier heroes are fine to use just for a while, but you should aim to replace them at some point.

C tier – Heroes in the C-tier are not very powerful, but can be used at the beginning of the game. We do, however, not recommend you spend significant resources on C-tier heroes as you want to replace them soon.

D tier – Heroes in the D-tier are way below average in terms of power and potential. You should aim to replace these heroes as soon as possible, and definitely shouldn’t spend significant resources on these heroes.

Heroes with a + next to their rank are even stronger or more useful than their assigned rank.

That’s our take on a tier list of the best heroes in Hero Wars, as well as the best heroes in specific categories.

If you have any input or suggestions for this tier list, you can leave them in the comments below.

https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-best-heroes-tier-list/feed/ 73
How To Download & Play Hero Wars On PC https://gamerempire.net/how-to-download-play-hero-wars-on-pc/ https://gamerempire.net/how-to-download-play-hero-wars-on-pc/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 19:13:05 +0000 https://gamerempire.net/?p=7180 This article contains affiliate links, which means we earn a small commission from qualifying purchases and registrations made through our site.

Playing Hero Wars on your PC comes with a number of benefits, including better performance, playing on a larger display, and the ability to play multiple accounts at once.

Hero Wars is an RPG hero collector in which you gather heroes, build a strong team, and fight levels of enemies.

There are two versions of the game, Hero Wars: Dominion Era, which is the desktop version, and Hero Wars: Alliance, which is the mobile version.

The desktop version, Hero Wars: Dominion Era, can be played on PC on the Hero Wars website, while the mobile version, Hero Wars: Alliance, can only be played on PC using an emulator.

In this guide, we give you all the information you need about how to play Hero Wars: Alliance on your PC.

Here is a quick walkthrough on how to download and play Hero Wars: Alliance on your PC/Computer:

  1. Go to the Hero Wars download page on Bluestacks.
  2. Press the ‘Play Hero Wars on PC’ button.
  3. Save and run the Bluestacks installer.
  4. Download Hero Wars on the Bluestacks platform.
  5. Click the Hero Wars icon on the Bluestacks homepage.
  6. You are now playing Hero Wars on PC!

You can find a more detailed step-by-step walkthrough of how to play Hero Wars on PC below.

Table of contents

Download and play Hero Wars: Alliance on Computer

Step 1

An emulator is software that emulates a mobile device, which means you can play mobile games on that emulator.

We recommend using BlueStacks, as it’s the emulator we’ve found to have the best performance and features.

You can, however, use other emulators to play Hero Wars on PC as well.

The first step of playing Hero Wars on PC is to go to the official Hero Wars: Alliance download page on Bluestacks.

Alternatively, you can use the ‘Play Hero Wars on PC’ button below to get to the download page.

Play Hero Wars on PC button

Step 2

On the Hero Wars download page, click the ‘Play Hero Wars on PC’ button to download the Bluestacks installer.

Once you’ve downloaded the installer, find it in your downloads folder or directly in your browser and run it.

After running the Bluestacks installer, press ‘Install now’ on the Bluestacks installer window.

Bluestacks will now start installing, which will take a couple of minutes depending on your internet speed.

Step 3

Upon finishing the installation, you will be taken to the BlueStacks homepage.

On the homepage of BlueStacks, most of you will see a big Hero Wars banner.

Press ‘Install game’ on the Hero Wars banner, which takes you to the Hero Wars page on Google Play.

If you haven’t signed in to a Google account yet, you will be asked to do so at this point before being taken to Google Play.

For those who don’t see the Hero Wars banner on the BlueStacks homepage, just click the game in the bottom menu under ‘Popular Games To Play’ or go to the Play Store, sign in, and then search for Hero Wars.

Step 4

Now that you’re on the Hero Wars page on Google Play press the green ‘Install’ button in the top right corner.

The game will start installing, which, again, will take a couple of minutes depending on your internet speed.

Step 5

When Hero Wars has been installed, you can start the game by pressing the ‘Open’ or ‘Play’ button on the Google Play page.

Alternatively, you can go back to the BlueStacks homepage and click the game icon.

On the homepage, you’ll find all the games you’ve installed on BlueStacks, and this is where you’ll open Hero Wars the next time you open BlueStacks.

To start Hero Wars from the homepage, just click the Hero Wars icon.

Step 6

That’s it! You are now playing Hero Wars on your PC!

You now have access to better performance, a wider display, and more benefits that you can read more about down below.

Benefits of playing Hero Wars on PC

By playing Hero Wars on your PC, you’ll be enjoying a number of benefits.

First and foremost, you’ll be playing on a wider display, which improves the gameplay experience for many players.

Furthermore, many players enjoy the familiar setting they’re used to on their PC setup, where they can do other things while playing the game, including chatting with friends, listening to music, and watching videos.

Most emulators like BlueStacks are built for performance, which means they are better optimized for playing mobile games when paired with your computer hardware than your phone or tablet itself.

If you are experiencing lag when playing Hero Wars on your PC, it’s most likely not that your computer can’t run the game, but because you haven’t enabled virtualization.

You can learn how to enable virtualization for BlueStacks in the following video from our YouTube channel.

BlueStacks also comes with special features that allow you to do setups that aren’t possible with just one mobile device.

With BlueStack’s multi-instance feature, you can play multiple accounts at the same time, just like you had several mobile devices.

But, playing multiple accounts on BlueStacks only requires one device – your computer.

You can take your farming and progress to whole new heights with this feature.

For players who wish to record their gameplay, using an emulator like BlueStacks makes this a whole lot easier.

When you play a mobile game on your PC with an emulator, you can just record it like any other game with software like OBS or Shadowplay, and you can stream it just like any other game as well.

Lastly, playing on your computer allows you to play mobile games in situations where you’d not normally be able to, as you can just close the tab and let the game run in the background while doing other work on the computer.

What is BlueStacks

BlueStacks is an emulator, which is software that emulates a mobile device, allowing you to do activities normally done on mobile devices on your computer.

This means that you essentially have a phone you can control on your computer when using BlueStacks, except for you can’t call from it with cell service.

You can, however, do everything else, including downloading and playing any mobile app and game.

BlueStacks is an Android emulator, which means the software emulates an Android mobile device.

Because of this, you have access to the same features as an Android device, and you can thereby download apps through the Google Play store, not the IOS App Store.

On BlueStacks, you can, however, also download apps and mobile games directly with APK files that you’ve downloaded from third-party websites or app stores.

How to play Hero Wars on PC video

Here is a video version of this guide, which shows you step by step how to download and play Hero Wars on PC.


That’s how to download and play Hero Wars on PC!

If you have any input for this guide, let us know in the comment section below.

https://gamerempire.net/how-to-download-play-hero-wars-on-pc/feed/ 0
Does Hero Wars Have Redemption Codes? https://gamerempire.net/does-hero-wars-have-redemption-codes/ https://gamerempire.net/does-hero-wars-have-redemption-codes/#respond Fri, 15 Jan 2021 10:56:09 +0000 https://gamerempire.net/?p=11067 Most RPG mobile games like Hero Wars has a code redemption system that allows players to claim gifts in the game sent out by developers.

Hero Wars does, however, not have a code redemption system, which means that you cannot redeem codes in the game.

The developers do send out rewards to their players frequently, though, they just do it through events, social media competitions, etc.

Table of contents

Does Hero Wars have redemption codes

If you’ve played different RPG mobile games before, you’ve most likely heard of or used gift code redemption systems before.

A gift code is a special code issued by the developers of a game that players can redeem in the game for useful rewards and resources.

As gift codes can help you progress faster, many players actively look for these codes.

Naturally, many players of Hero Wars wonder whether or not there are any codes they can redeem to get rewards.

Unfortunately, the developers of Hero Wars have not added a code redemption system, which means there are no codes for you to redeem in the game.

There are, however, several other ways the developers give free rewards to their players.

Hero Wars are very active on their Facebook page, where they often do competitions where players can win rewards.

Furthermore, new events are often added to the game, which gives players useful items, heroes, and resources.

That’s everything you need to know about whether or not Hero Wars has a redemption code system.

https://gamerempire.net/does-hero-wars-have-redemption-codes/feed/ 0
Hero Wars – Resources Guide: How To Get Energy, Gold, Emeralds, Etc. https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-resources-guide-how-to-get-energy-gold-emeralds-etc/ https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-resources-guide-how-to-get-energy-gold-emeralds-etc/#comments Sat, 21 Mar 2020 18:36:21 +0000 https://gamerempire.net/?p=7279 In Hero Wars, you need to collect a range of different resources for purposes such as upgrading your character and obtaining new heroes.

By playing the game regularly, you will get a variety of resources, but there might be specific ones you want to farm in order to progress faster or beat a certain level.

Therefore, we’ve created this guide to teach you how to get different resources in Hero Wars and what each of them is used for.

The most common resource in Hero Wars is gold, most of which you’ll get from completing doing tower runs and farming previously completed stages.

Energy is an essential resource as it is required to start stages.

You’ll get most of your energy from claiming quests in the daily quests tab and from the one energy you get every five minutes.

EXP potions are mainly obtained through stage rewards and by purchasing them from shops.

Emeralds are extremely valuable and are primarily obtained through arena rewards, events, and quests – more details on what to use each resource for and how to get them below.

Table of contents

How to get gold

The most common currency in Hero Wars is gold. You need gold for a wide range of purposes, such as buying certain items in the shop.

What makes gold extremely valuable in Hero Wars, is that you need it to upgrade your heroes.

Both skill upgrades, promotions, creating gear, and others cost gold and a lot of it.

The cost of upgrading these things rise exponentially, which means you need a ton of gold, later on, to keep upgrading your heroes.

There are several ways to get gold in Hero Wars, including completing normal and daily quests, events, selling items gathered from gameplay, and guild rewards.

The most effective way to get a lot of gold quickly, however, is by doing runs in the tower.

The more floors you complete in the tower, the more gold you’ll get from the reward chest.

Another excellent method for farming gold is doing previously completed stages again.

Lastly, you can also get quite a bit of gold from the theater feature. However, you probably want to save those tickets for either emeralds or energy instead.

Hero Wars gold rewards from arena event

How to get energy

Energy is an essential resource in Hero Wars; without it, you can’t play the game.

Every time you start a stage, it costs a certain amount of energy, depending on which battle you’re entering.

Therefore, you should always grab an energy reward if you get the opportunity to do so.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many ways to get energy in Hero Wars.

The main way to get energy besides the one energy you get every five minutes for free is by claiming energy in the daily quests tab.

Every day, you can claim 60 energy for free three times. You do, however, have to claim the energy within the following time three intervals: 08:00 to 11:00, 13:00 to 16:00, and 20:00 to 23:00, all local time.

If you claim the 60 energy within all three-time intervals, you’ll get 180 energy for free every day.

Though not as effective when you reach a high team level, you do also get some energy every time your team levels up.

Another way to get energy is by using the theater feature.

Watching one ad gives you one theater ticket, which you can exchange for 12 energy.

The game also has an event that allows you to farm energy from time to time, so check out the event tab for current events.

Lastly, you can buy energy using gems, which means you can farm gems and then spend them on energy – effectively farming energy that way.

Hero Wars energy reward team level up

How to get EXP potions

One of the main ways to upgrade your heroes in Hero Wars is by leveling them up.

To level up a hero, you need EXP, which you get from EXP potions.

At the beginning of the game, you can level up a hero quite a few times with just a single EXP potion, but later on, you’re going to need a lot to keep increasing their power.

Therefore, you should look to farm EXP potions once in a while.

Luckily, there are a couple of ways to get your hands on more EXP potions in Hero Wars.

The main two ways to get EXP potions in Hero Wars is from stage rewards and shops. The farther into the game you get, the better the quality of the EXP potions you get from stages.

Because the quality of EXP potions from stages increases, it helps with the exponentially increasing exp requirements.

If you find yourself stuck at a particular stage, you can go back to earlier ones to farm EXP potions from those.

The second main way to get EXP potions in the game is by purchasing them from various shops, such as the regular shop, where you can buy EXP potions for gold.

Besides these two ways to get EXP potions, events in the game often offer a way to get more EXP potions, such as the daily login event, which gives you an EXP potion every couple of days.

Hero Wars EXP potions

How to get emeralds

The premium currency in Hero Wars are emeralds, which are, because of their value, difficult to farm.

Emeralds serve a range of useful purposes, and of course, are required to purchase chests, which contains heroes and hero fragments.

You can also use emeralds to purchase more energy, raid tickets, etc.

Because emeralds are so valuable, you should take advantage of any opportunity you get to earn them.

Despite their value, there are a couple of ways to get emeralds in Hero Wars.

Firstly, arena rewards sent to your mailbox when you reach higher rankings can be of significant size.

We’ve gotten close to 100 gems 2-3 times per day by reaching new rankings in the arena, so be sure to use all your daily arena entrances.

Most events also offer emeralds rewards like the daily login event, so be sure to claim them.

Another way to get more gems is by progressing through the game. Quests that ask you to complete a certain stage often give emeralds as a reward.

However, you can only complete these types of quests once, and they might be difficult to complete if you are stuck at a particular stage.

Lastly, you can get emeralds from watching ads through the theater feature.

Five theater tickets can be exchanged for 30 emeralds, which means each ad you watch is worth 6 emeralds.

Another similar method for getting emeralds is by completing offers in the free gems tab in the bottom menu on the main screen.

Here you can find offers such as playing another mobile game until a certain level, and you’ll then get a certain number of emeralds.

Hero Wars emeralds reward from arena

How to get equipment

Equipment is important and useful for your heroes in Hero Wars, not only because it increases their stats, but also because they are required for promoting a hero.

When you’ve filled up all equipment slots on a hero, you can promote that hero to the next tier, permanently increasing their stats.

Farming equipment is, therefore, a great way to increase the power of your heroes and thereby your team.

The main way to get equipment in Hero Wars is by farming stages, including those you’ve already beat previously.

Many stages give you several pieces of gear each time you complete them, so you can quickly gather a lot of equipment by battling stages.

Equipment can also be obtained by purchasing them in various shops and by combining equipment recipes.

Lastly, you’ll often find yourself needing one specific piece of equipment to promote a hero.

In these cases, you can press the missing item and craft the item by spending gold and required lower grade pieces of equipment.

If you don’t have the required lower grade pieces of equipment, you can click them to see which stages drop them.

Hero Wars equipment

That’s how to get the most common resources in Hero Wars as well as what each of them is used for.

If you know any alternative ways to gather any resource in the game that you believe our readers should know, you can leave them in the comments below, and we’ll add it to this guide.

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Hero Wars – How To Reroll Guide https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-how-to-reroll-guide/ https://gamerempire.net/hero-wars-how-to-reroll-guide/#comments Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:57:00 +0000 https://gamerempire.net/?p=7250 Rerolling is an effective way to secure a great start in hero-collector RPG games like Hero Wars.

In Hero Wars, you can reroll, but it isn’t as effective as in other games because of how the game awards you the first couple of heroes.

Nevertheless, it is possible to start over and secure yourself a better start, which is what we’re showing you how to do in this guide.

In short, there are two ways to reroll in Hero Wars.

The first is to change server to start a new character and thereby start over.

The second way is to delete the game and log into another Google Play account before reinstalling and then opening the game again.

The first method is by far the fastest, but the second allows you to start over on the same server if you wish to do so – more details on both methods and how to do them below.

Table of contents

How to reroll in Hero Wars

To reroll in Hero Wars, you can either change server or use a different Google Play account.

We’ll start by looking at the first method, changing server.

Changing server method

Step 1: Go to the main screen of Hero Wars, also known as the town, and press the profile icon in the top left corner like shown on the image below.

Hero Wars town profile icon

Step 2: At the bottom of the profile settings pop-up, press the “Change Server” button.

Hero Wars profile settings

Step 3: Select a server you currently don’t have a save on to start a new character on that server.

After selecting a server, press “Create”.

Hero Wars server list

That’s it! You’ve now created a new save on another server.

If you, like most, reroll to get better heroes to start off with, we recommend playing until you’ve completed enough starter quests and events to buy a summon or two for gems.

If you don’t get any heroes you like and wish to continue with, reroll once again.

You can check our Hero Wars tier list to find out which heroes to look out for.

Hero Wars new save slot reroll

New Google Play account method

Step 1: Close Hero Wars and uninstall the game from your device.

Step 2: Log into another account on Google Play

Step 3: Reinstall Hero Wars being logged into the new Google Play account

This method is not as fast as the first one is, but it does enable you to start over on the same server if you want to play with people on a specific server.

The first method forces you to start on a new server.

Our recommendation for how to reroll using this method is the same, play until you have gathered enough gems for a summon or two, then reroll if you aren’t satisfied with your summons.

If you do not care about which server you play on, then go with the first method, it’s much faster.

Which heroes to reroll for

The vast majority of players who choose to reroll in any hero collector RPG game, including Hero Wars, do so to obtain better heroes at the beginning of the game.

Having a better team from the start will not only make you progress faster but also allows you to use your resources optimally from the beginning as you won’t be spending them on heroes you’ll replace.

So, which heroes should you reroll for?

Three heroes we believe will help you significantly through your adventures are Cleaver, Krista, and Lars.

All of these have plenty of damage to take down enemies, but they also possess skills that help your team with control and utility.

If you stumble upon any of these three heroes while rerolling, we’d recommend sticking with that save.

If you are looking for a hero of a specific role to start off with, we’ve given a few examples of the best heroes in each role in our tier list.

Should you reroll in Hero Wars

If you’re an experienced RPG hero collector player, then you’ve probably rerolled in other games before.

But is it worth it to reroll in Hero Wars?

Here are our opinion and recommendation for when it might be worth it to reroll.

There are a couple of downsides to rerolling in Hero Wars.

Firstly, it takes time a longer time than many other games.

That’s because you have to gather enough gems to get summons before you find out whether that current reroll was successful or not.

Secondly, rerolling is not as effective as in other similar mobile games because heroes from stages and the first free summon is predetermined, which the ladder isn’t in most other similar mobile games, making the reroll more effective there.

If you simply want to start over in Hero Wars, then you should, of course, just go ahead and reroll.

But if you’re looking to improve your starting team, then this is our recommendation.

If you’re willing to go to the length of rerolling in Hero Wars to get the best start and haven’t played the game for too long already, then go ahead and do it.

If you, however, have already played the game for a while and gathered some powerful heroes and items, then it’s probably not worth it.

That’s everything you need to know about rerolling in Hero Wars.

If you have any input or suggestions for this guide, then you can leave it in the comment section below.

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