Playtime is the number of hours you have played a given game, in this case Final Fantasy XIV.
Are you curious just how long you’ve been playing a specific character? Here is how to find out your playtime in the game.
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To check playtime in FFXIV, type /playtime or /ptime in chat. This brings up the days, hours, and minutes you have spent on that character.
Table of Contents
How to Check Playtime in Final Fantasy XIV
The easiest way to check playtime is to type /playtime in FFXIV chat. The command /ptime also works.
To check your playtime via this method, you must be logged into the game with the character whose playtime you wish to check.
Other Ways to Check Playtime in FFXIV
The other ways to check playtime only work if you are on console or use Steam. If you have the client, there’s no such luck outside of opening the game.
For Steam, open your Steam client, then go to Library. Click on Final Fantasy XIV and check Hours Played.
On Xbox, head to your profile, then achievements. This shows a list of your games and the number of hours played on each one.
On PlayStation 4, head to your profile and click “Games. This shows a list of games again with the number of hours played.
Converting Playtime
Because playtime shows up as days, hours, and minutes, it is difficult to determine how many hours you have played.
The easiest way to find out is to get a calculator out and then use these steps. For example, let’s say your playtime is 120 days, 21 hours, and 10 minutes.
- Input days played (ex. 120 days)
- Multiply by 24 (120×24=2880)
- Add hours (2880+21=2901)
- So, your playtime would be 2901 hours and 10 minutes.
What to Know About Playtime
Playtime is unique for each player, but it should not be taken seriously. Some people have played since launch, so their playtime may be much higher.
Others spread their time among many other games, making their playtime shorter. So, take your playtime with a grain of salt.
Does Playtime Command Show Up for Everyone in FFXIV?
No. Don’t worry about people around you seeing your playtime.
No matter what chat you are in, the playtime only shows up for you. So you have to screenshot it to share with others.
Can you Check Playtime Offline?
No. Not unless you are using a console or Steam.
Other games allow you to check via the site or a game’s database, but not FFXIV.
Is Playtime Account-Wide in FFXIV?
No. To check your playtime for a different character, you have to log in as them.
There may be a feature in the future to check “total” playtime, but not yet.
Now you know how to check playtime in FFXIV.
How many hours have you spent in the game? Let me know in the comments! May the most dedicated Warrior of Light shine.