If Old School RuneScape players were to rank the most infamous skills in the game, Slayer would arguably be towards the top.
Being assigned a slayer task to gear up and take on Old School RuneScape’s toughest creatures for the opportunity to gain incredible gp per hour is some of the most exciting content in the game.
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At a core level, most Slayer-creatures require you to have a specific item in your inventory or equipped to kill them. The crown jewel of all Slayer items is the Slayer Helm, which involves an extensive process to make.
To make the Slayer Helm in OSRS, you need to unlock the ability to craft them by spending 400 Slayer Points at a Slayer Master and then combine a Black Mask, a Nose Peg, Earmuffs, a Spiny Helm, Reinforced Goggles, and an Enchanted Gem to make it.
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How to Make a Slayer Helm in OSRS
The Slayer Helm is the most useful item you can use when completing Slayer Tasks. Making and equipping a Slayer Helm also requires 55 Crafting and 10 Defense.
Since it provides an additional 16.6% increase to Melee accuracy and damage to Slayer creatures, it is an essential item to maximizing the efficiency of your Slayer Tasks.
Furthermore, the Slayer Helm can be imbued at the Nightmare Zone or Soul Wars to carry the bonus over to Ranged and Magic (minus the Magic damage).
Unlocking “Malevolent Masquerade”
Before crafting a Slayer Helm, you first need to unlock the ability to make them. This can be done by spending 400 Slayer Points at any Slayer Master to unlock the “Malevolent Masquerade” reward in the Slayer Rewards Shop.
Getting enough Slayer Points to unlock this reward can be daunting at first. Since you won’t have the additional bonuses of the Slayer Helm, you may be tempted to spend some of them points to skip or block an annoying task.
Thankfully, there are a couple efficient ways to accumulate Slayer Points in Old School RuneScape.
The first method is by using Turael in Burthorpe. Previously discussed in our article on how to skip slayer tasks, Turael has the ability to replace any task you currently have with one of his without needing to spend Slayer Points.
Additionally, Turael is considered a low-level master, so his tasks are never too difficult.
Another thing to know is that Slayer Points work on a multiplier system. So for every 10th, 25th, 100th, etcetera task that you complete, you will gain additional points.
Knowing this, you can complete 9 tasks with Turael (since they are incredibly easy and fast to do), then complete a Slayer Task with a high-level master (such as Duradel, Neive/Steve, or Konar), and you will earn the multiplier for completing your 10th task with the high-level master.
The second method involves sticking solely with a high-level Slayer Master of your choice.
Currently, the Slayer Master that gives the most points per task is Konar, who rewards 18 Slayer Points per task (unless you completed the Elite Tier Kourend & Kebos Achievement Diary, then your points go up to 20 per task).
Konar’s tasks differ from the others because not only do you need to kill a specific creature, but the location is defined by her as well.
For example, she may assign you to kill 93 Waterfiends, but only in the Barbarian Cavern Dungeon.
While this can mean you will be forced to do the higher tasks, if you are a more experienced player, you will be able to earn amazing Slayer experience and additional rewards along the way.
Once you have earned 400 Slayer Points, you can go to a Slayer Master and unlock the “Malevolent Masquerade” reward.
Crafting the Slayer Helm
After unlocking the ability to make Slayer Helms, you will need to combine a few items to craft it. The following items you need are:
- Black Mask (Black Mask (i) can be used also)
- Spiny Helmet
- Nose Peg
- Earmuffs
- Face mask
- Reinforced Goggles (Only if you have completed the “A Porcine of Interest” quest)
Once they are combined, you will have a Slayer Helm that you can use for Slayer Tasks.
On top of the bonuses to accuracy and damage, it will function appropriately with the Slayer items that were used to craft it.
For example, you will be able to enter the Smoky Dungeon in Pollnivneach as it has the function of a Facemask.
However, the combat bonuses do not add to you if you are fighting a creature that is not on your Slayer Task. This also includes doing a. Konar task and fighting a monster not within the specified location.
Slayer Helm Recolours
If you want to add more personality to your Slayer Helm, you are able to change the colour and design of your Slayer Helm after spending 1000 Slayer Reward points and using an associated boss head on it.
This is purely a cosmetic change and does not affect the stats or bonuses it already provides.
Slayer Helm Recolour Options Include:
- Black Slayer Helm (“King Black Bonnet” Reward) – Kbd heads
- Red Slayer Helm (“Unholy Helm” Reward) – Abyssal demon head
- Green Slayer Helm (“Kalphite Khat” Reward) – Kalphite queen head
- Purple Slayer Helm (“Dark Mantle” Reward) – Dark claws
- Turquoise Slayer Helm (“Undead Head” Reward) – Vorkath head
- Hydra Slayer Helm (“Use More Head” Reward) – Alchemical hydra heads
- Twisted Slayer Helm (“Twisted Vision” Reward) – Twisted horns
That is how to make a Slayer Helm in Old School RuneScape!
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