Fire Emblem Engage – How Does Donation Work: Is It Worth It?

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In Fire Emblem Engage, you can send donations of gold to the four other kingdoms of Elyos; Firene, Brodia, Elusia, and Solm.

By doing so, you can receive specific effects and earn special items that are given to you as rewards for your donations.

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You can choose to make donations to a kingdom of your choice in Fire Emblem Engage by interacting with the Bulletin Board found in Somniel’s Cafe Terrace. You’ll also be able to see the benefits each donation will grant you, ranging from consumable items and ingredients to weapons, Bond Fragments, adoptable animals, and cosmetic outfits.

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Fire Emblem Engage Donations Explained

In Fire Emblem Engage, you can support your neighboring kingdoms by donating them quantities of gold. In return for doing so, you will receive some handy exploration effects and bonuses in the region you’ve contributed to.

These effects include more frequent spawning of rare enemies, which causes better EXP boosts and rewards from battle and increases the multiplier for items earned on your adventures.

Additionally, the bonuses that you’ll receive from each country as you upgrade them through donations include Bond Fragments, different kinds of animals that you can adopt to live on your farm in Somniel, various ingredients and consumables, weapons, and most importantly, cosmetic outfits that you can use to dress up Alear outside of the battlefield.

Each Kingdom will have a set amount of total gold required to reach a new donation level. Once a level is reached, you will receive the respective rewards, and the specified amount of gold for the next level will appear for you to start working towards.

How To Donate in Fire Emblem Engage

To donate in Fire Emblem Engage, you’ll first need to ensure you’re at a stage where you can return to Somniel and take a break from combat, so if you’re currently finishing off a chapter or stuck in a tough battle, you’ll need to complete these before moving on below.

Once you’re back at Somniel, go ahead and make your way to Cafe Terrace. If you’re struggling to locate the Cafe, you can simply select it from Somniel’s fast travel map to save yourself some time.

Fire Emblem Engage - How Do Donations Work

Once inside, you’ll need to head to the bulletin board. This is located on the left side of Cafe Terrace, just a short distance from the front desk reception area, and will have a yellow arrow to indicate that you can interact with it.

Fire Emblem Engage - How Do Donations Work

Once you’ve found the bulletin board, go ahead and interact with it to bring up the bulletin board menu.

From here, you can select the donations menu, which will allow you to send personal gifts of gold from the Divine Dragon to your fellow Kingdoms of Elyos.

Fire Emblem Engage - How Do Donations Work

From here, select Donations to open the next stage of the menu. From here, you can view the kingdoms you have currently unlocked and added as allies and choose to donate to them if you’d like.

You will also be able to view the current donation level of each kingdom and all of the bonuses you’ll receive with an increase in donation level.

Fire Emblem Engage - How Do Donations Work

To proceed, select the kingdom of your choice, and you’ll open a small pop-up menu where you can enter the quantity of gold you’d like to donate or choose to boost them directly to the next donation level.

The specified amounts needed to reach each donation level are summarized below:

  • Level 1 – Level 2: 5,000 gold
  • Level 2 – Level 3: 10,000 gold
  • Level 3 – Level 4: 25,000 gold
  • Level 4 – Level 5: 50,000 gold

From here, you can confirm your donation, and you’ll be done, easy as that!

You can now return to make donations to other kingdoms or exit the bulletin board entirely and go about your day in Somniel before returning to the battlefield.

Fire Emblem Engage - How Do Donations Work

If your level increases for a kingdom upon your donation, you’ll also receive a prompt with any bonus goodies that are rewarded to you in return, on top of the helpful boosts, Such as the Mineral Motherlode gift that is sent out to Alear after bringing Brodia to donation level 2.

Is Donating Worth It in Fire Emblem Engage?

While the answer to this question will depend on your perspective as a player and what you deem to be a worthwhile investment of your precious gold, it goes without saying that the boosts and rewards from donating items are extremely helpful.

So yes, it is worth donating and raising the donation levels of your fellow kingdoms of Elyos, but you may choose to favor one kingdom over the other, depending on which items or rewards you need for your playthrough.

Nothing is stopping you from neglecting the other kingdoms to favor the one with the rewards that will best benefit you, so go ahead and have some fun with donating!

Full List of Donation Rewards and Effects in Fire Emblem Engage

Every kingdom has its own unique rewards and effects that occur when a donation level is increased, so to help you plan out the donations that will best benefit you during your playthrough, here’s a complete list of the rewards and effects given out by each kingdom.

Firene Donation Level Increase Effects

ResourceBonus Multiplier – Level 2Bonus Multiplier – Level 3Bonus Multiplier – Level 4Bonus Multiplier – Level 5
Bond Fragmentsx2x3x4x5
Rare Fruitx2x3
Wheat Flourx2
Firenese CatAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Callison ChickenAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Mere DonkeyAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable

Firene Donation Level Increase Rewards

Level 2: Harvest Bounty

  • Onion x5
  • Cabbage x5
  • Herb x5
  • Tomato x5
  • Potato x5
  • Rare Vegetable x10
  • Orange x5
  • Apple x5
  • Wheat Flour x5
  • Peach x5
  • Grapes x5
  • Berries x5
  • Rare Fruit x10
  • Nuts x5
  • Bond Fragments x500

Level 3: National Clothing

  • Steel Lance x1
  • Floral Set x1
  • Bond Fagments x1000

Level 4: Companion Pack

  • Spear x1
  • Mere Donkey x2
  • Bond Fragmens x2000

Level 5: Local Garb

  • Venemous x1
  • Oceanic Set x1
  • Bond Fragments x3000

Brodia Donation Level Increase Effects

ResourceBonus Multiplier – Level 2Bonus Multiplier – Level 3Bonus Multiplier – Level 4Bonus Multiplier – Level 5
Bond Fragmentsx2x3x4x5
Wheat Flourx2x3
Rare Fruitx2
Brodian CatAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Aura EagleAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Rutile MarmotAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable

Brodia Donation Level Increase Rewards

Level 2: Mineral Motherlode

  • Iron x10
  • Bond Fragments x500

Level 3: National Clothing

  • Wo Dao x1
  • Cliff Set x1
  • Steel x3
  • Bond Fagments x1000

Level 4: Companion Pack

  • Brave Sword x1
  • Rutile Marmot x2
  • Silver x1
  • Bond Fragmens x2000

Level 5: Local Garb

  • Divine Fist Art x1
  • Mica Set x1
  • Silver x2
  • Bond Fragments x3000

Elusia Donation Level Increase Effects

ResourceBonus Multiplier – Level 2Bonus Multiplier – Level 3Bonus Multiplier – Level 4Bonus Multiplier – Level 5
Bond Fragmentsx2x3x4x5
Wheat Flourx2
Elusian CatAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Iris OwlAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Vervain DeerAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable

Elusia Donation Level Increase Rewards

Level 2: Healing Haul

  • Psychic x1
  • Bond Fragments x500

Level 3: National Clothing

  • Bolganone x1
  • Snowy Set x1
  • Bond Fagments x1000

Level 4: Companion Pack

  • Fortify x1
  • Vervain Deer x2
  • Bond Fragmens x2000

Level 5: Local Garb

  • Nodus x1
  • Starry Set x1
  • Bond Fragments x3000

Solm Donation Level Increase Effects

ResourceBonus Multiplier – Level 2Bonus Multiplier – Level 3Bonus Multiplier – Level 4Bonus Multiplier – Level 5
Bond Fragmentsx2x3x4x5
Rare Vegetablesx2x3
Solmic CatAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Panna CamelAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable
Tartu FlamingoAdoptableAdoptableAdoptableAdoptable

Solm Donation Level Increase Rewards

Level 2: Market Wares

  • Beef x5
  • Pork x5
  • Chicken x5
  • Mutton x5
  • Herring x5
  • Salmon x10
  • Cod x5
  • Eel x5
  • Rare Fish x10
  • Milk x5
  • Eggs x5
  • Rice x5
  • Bond Fragments x500

Level 3: National Clothing

  • Brave Axe x1
  • Dune Set x1
  • Bond Fagments x1000

Level 4: Companion Pack

  • Silver Greataxe x1
  • Tartu Flamingo x2
  • Bond Fragmens x2000

Level 5: Local Garb

  • Fragarach x1
  • Dusk Set x1
  • Bond Fragments x3000

That’s all you need to know about Fire Emblem Engage’s donation system and how it works.

Which kingdom are you going to donate to first? Feel free to let us know in the comment section below.

Grace Black

Grace is a writer, digital artist, and character illustrator from New Zealand with a love for fiction and storytelling. She's a major horror enthusiast, occasional anime enjoyer, and die-hard Ghost-Type Pokemon fangirl. Favorite video games include Life is Strange, The Last of Us, Overwatch, and Pokemon.

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