To make a good house in Minecraft, the floor is one of the necessary parts you have to put effort into.
You could use your favorite blocks and fill the entire floor. It’s easy to build and doesn’t waste many resources, but it doesn’t look good at all.
In today’s article, let’s look at the best 15 Minecraft floor design ideas!
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The most common way many Minecrafters decorate their flooring is by filling the entire land with easy-to-get blocks such as dirt, cobblestones, etc., while others add some patterns to the floor to make it look more interesting. Some other techniques, like texture mixing and block rotating, are also used for the floor designs below!
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Minecraft Floor Design Ideas
In Minecraft, walls and roofs are the crucial part of your house. Besides decoration purposes, they can protect you from hostile mobs and other players.
With that being said, the floor doesn’t help much other than serving as pure decoration part. Sometimes, it’s used to make a hidden entrance to the secret room.
1. Ancient Temple Floor
Materials: Observers, Furnaces, Redstone Lamp, Polished Andesite, Polished Andesite Stairs, and Chiseled Stone Bricks.
It is starting off the list with a symmetrical floor design that contains easy-to-get materials. Andesite can be easily mined underground, along with cobblestones for furnaces and chiseled stone bricks.
The middle plus is made from a Redstone Lamp, some furnaces, and observers facing out.
The unique thing about this design is the placement of the polished andesite stairs. To make it look good, you have to choose the correct angle before placing the stairs.
2. Bricks Floor
Materials: Bricks, Brick Stairs, Mossy Cobblestones, Chiseled Stone Bricks, Sand, Smooth Sandstone, and Smooth Sandstone Stairs.
Bricks floor is suitable for modern builds, especially for construction themes.
Since not so many Minecraft builders use bricks in their build, this floor could make your base stand out the most!
From the symmetrical design to the depth created by the stairs, combine with mossy cobblestones to create an abandoned feeling for the floor. That’s all you need!
3. Copper Floor
Materials: Cut Copper, Exposed Cut Copper, Weathered Cut Copper, and Oxidized Cut Copper.
So you have mined a lot of coppers and don’t know what to do? Let’s try this floor design!
The material heavily depends on your coppers because you need 9 copper ingots for 1 cut copper. For a 6 by 6 design, you would need over 5 stacks of copper ingots.
When you have the cut copper blocks, you must place them in the world so they can start the oxidation process. This could take a lot of time so we recommend placing them at least 4 blocks away from each other.
4. Industrial Floor
Materials: Basalt, Smooth Basalts, Pistons, and Furnaces.
Although this floor design belongs to the industrial category, it is still super attractive to look at!
The highlight of this floor is the yellow line created by the pistons and the symmetrical shape. Plus, the materials are easy to get as well.
To place the piston facing out correctly, like the design, you should build the middle plus first. Then start placing the pistons from there and making your way out to the border.
5. Matrix Floor
Materials: Black Concrete and White Stained Glass Panes.
Easy, but quite effective! However, this Minecraft floor design is hard to walk on.
The glass planes on top of a solid platform make this floor look like a gorgeous matrix come from the movie.
Besides using this as a floor, you could make walls or create a minigame platform with this design. Let your imagination fly!
6. Mesa Floor
Materials: Red Sand, Pumpkins, and Magma Blocks.
This mesa floor makes the desert hotter than ever!
By mixing the red sand with some magma blocks together, you have a lovely pattern on the ground for your wasteland empire.
To make the floor more interesting, you could put some orange blocks like concretes, concrete powders, or pumpkins to deepen it.
7. Mystery Floor
Materials: Obsidians, Crying Obsidians, Blackstones, Blackstone Stairs, and Blocks of Coal.
The obsidian portal brings you to the Nether Dimension. But how about a mixture of normal obsidian and crying obsidian?
With that in mind, we create a well-balanced floor based on dark blocks so you could use it in any of your Nether bases, as well as bases deep underground.
8. Natural Floor
Materials: Block of Emerald, Green Terracotta, Lime Terracotta, Lime Glazed Terracotta, Green Glazed Terracotta, and Green Wool.
Not all natural design comes with leaves and plants, and so does this floor design.
We combine a handful of lime and green blocks for the natural aspect. And the only difficult part to build is the glazed terracotta because you have to rotate your character well.
9. Nether Floor
Materials: Red Nether Bricks, Gilded Blackstones, Black Glazed Terracottas, Redstone Lamps, and Glowstones.
So this is one of the official Minecraft floor designs for your Nether base!
Most of the required materials are harvested from the Nether dimension to make it look Nether-friendly. Plus, the pattern from the black glazed terracotta is awesome!
10. Overgrown Floor
Materials: Stones, Cobblestones, Mossy Cobblestones, Moss, and Mossy Stone Bricks.
Everyone loves overgrown design ideas, and we’re not an exception.
With a bunch of mossy blocks, you could easily decorate your cave’s floor with this design to make it more attractive.
11. Palace Floor
Materials: Yellow Wool, Yellow Concrete, Yellow Terracotta, Yellow Glazed Terracotta, Deepslates, and Polished Deepslate Stairs.
If you’re building a medieval empire, this palace floor is what you need!
It has the royal brand from the yellow color and the flower pattern in the center. Plus, the dark deepslates border creates a great contrast and makes the yellow shape stand out more!
12. Royal Floor
Materials: Purple Glazed Terracotta, Purple Stained Glasses, Purple Wool, Purple Concrete Powder, Purple Concrete, and Purple Shulker Boxes.
Purple is also another great color for royal structures.
Although you may find this design looks menacing by the logo in the center, it’s actually good when you put this floor with a stone or stone bricks building.
13. Ruins Floor
Materials: Stone Bricks, Gray Glazed Terracotta, Furnaces, and Blast Furnaces.
The glazed terracotta is a great source of inspiration due to its variety of textures!
For this particular floor design, you have up to 2 cross shapes in the center. Then seal them up with steady stone bricks and furnaces, and you’re good to go.
14. The End Floor
Materials: Purpur Blocks, Purpur Pillars, and End Rods.
If you’re a fan of living in the End dimension, we have a perfect design for you!
This build is completely made from purpur blocks and end rods, which you can get fairly easily in the End.
You could also go looking for the end city structures to collect purpur blocks, or smelt the chorus fruits in the furnaces, whatever is easy for you.
15. Wooden Floor
Materials: Dark Oak Planks, Dark Oak Logs, and Dark Oak Trapdoors.
The final floor design idea on the list is made from wood, one of the easiest materials to get in Minecraft!
To make this floor, you only need to chop down a single dark oak tree. What a resource-friendly design!
Moreover, you could use the same pattern but with other wood types here to create the perfect floor for your base.
Those are the 15 Minecraft floor design ideas!
Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comment below!