Waging war in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord isn’t something you should do by yourself. There are many nobles that would help you conquer Calradia.
However, to get them all in one place to destroy your enemies, you will need to create an Army and lead them to hostile settlements.
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If you are new to the game or have never been part of a kingdom with many vassals to help you, you will first need to learn how to get this Army we are speaking of.
So, here is how you can create an Army in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, and defeat and conquer all your enemies.
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How an Army Works in Bannerlord
You might ask yourself, don’t I already have an army? Well, the game calls a number of troops led by a noble, a Party.
An Army is a number of Parties united under a single noble. All of these parties can be controlled by their commander to advance on various enemy positions.
Armies can only be made by vassals or faction leaders. If you are just a little adventurer, you could still try to make an army with your companions, but it will usually be weak at the start of the game.
To create an Army in Bannerlord, players will first need to have Influence. Making the Army will cost a lot of Influence and will require even more to not disband.
Each Party that you try to recruit into your Army will have an Influence cost based on their size and quality. Once you’ve created the Army, there will be two stats that will decide if you can keep it together without it disbanding:
- Food
- Cohesion
Once created, you will see in the bottom right corner all the stats regarding your Army. You will see how many troops you have and how much food is left.
You should always keep an eye out for food, as it can make or break your plans. Buy more food than you need, as a huge Army needs a lot of resources.
If, for some reason, you are not the richest man in Calradia by now and can’t buy a lot of food, we can teach you how to make money quickly in Bannerlord.
Luckily, most Parties will add the resources they already have when they join the Army, so you shouldn’t have to buy a lot more than you already have.
You will also spot Cohesion in the Army menu, which will slowly decrease based on the Army size. To increase it, you will need to press the Army button and invest more Influence.
How to Create an Army in Bannerlord
To create an Army in Bannerlord, you need to follow these steps:
- Press the button in the bottom right corner (it looks like three flags).
- On the left, you will see all the Parties that can join your Army, along with their troops and Influence cost. Select the ones that you want to recruit.
- Press the Done button once you choose who you want to join your Army.
Now all you have to do is either wait for them to join you or slowly advance toward your war goal.
The Army will move really slowly, so plan ahead where you are going to strike. Also, depending on your location, it may take very long for some of the other vassals to get to your Army.
Armies are very useful when at war. However, they can become really cumbersome when at peace. There are so many things you could do during peacetime in Bannerlord, so we should get rid of the Army once the war is over.
If you finished what you had to do or just changed your mind, you can always disband your Army by clicking the button in the bottom right corner again (the flag button) and selecting “Disband” in the menu that opens up.
That’s everything you need to know about how to create an Army in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord!
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